We packed our car last Friday morning and we headed out to Boston on our first family vacation. We meet my brother, sister-in-law, niece, nephew, and our friend, Eva, there.
I am not going to lie, but we were a tad bit concerned on how Dagny was going to react to the long ride, all the sightseeing, and sleeping arrangements. We were so pleasantly surprised at how wonderful she did, I think the fact that we are always taking her places she was up for the adventure. Yay, Dagny!
Saturday morning we had some breakfast and headed downtown to do the Freedom Trail. I am happy to say that we were able to do the entire trail. Thanks to Edit for taking the time to print out the history of each stop and sharing it with all of us. She was definitely our tour guide that day.
These are the markers at every stop.

Here we are in front on Ben Franklin’s monument.

Here are the other two men in my life.

One of the stops on the trail is Paul Revere’s house. This was probably my favorite stop on the trail. I like old, smelly houses that have tons of history.

Inside the courtyard we took some photos.

The end of the trail is Bunker hill. My brother and his clan walked up it, unfortunately with the stroller that was not an option for us. So we waited outside and made funny faces with Dagny.

Here is Dagny holding my Mom’s hand as we are walking the trail.

The following day we went to Plymouth to see the rock and then Plymouth Plantation that duplicates both the Indian and Pilgrims way of living back in the time. It was very interesting to see. What makes it really neat was that the people playing the Indians were actual descents of the Wampanoag tribe.

Here is Dagny and Craig on the Mayflower II.

After we said our good-byes to my family, Dagny, Craig, my Mom, and I went to Cape Cod.

The following day we started out at the New England Aquarium. This was set aside specifically for Dagny because of her love of fish.

When we were done we headed to Salem.

I promise, I am a good witch. It’s Hungarian goulash I am making.

My mom and I toured The House of Seven Gables. I loved it… still like old, smelly houses.

While my mom and I toured the house Craig and Dagny played on the grounds. Here is Captain Dagny.

From there we headed to Cambridge to check out Dagny’s college, Harvard.

We ended the night by going to Cheers. It was great going back there and this time with Dagny.

What fun! You guys got to enjoy the sights without all the tourists 🙂 And it looks like the weather even cooperated.
The first time I visited Cape Cod was during a spring vacation from college and I fell in love with everything about it. I’m guessing that like for me, it won’t be your last time there. It’s a wonderful place to relax… and all the history surrounding makes for a great vacation.
Thanks for sharing!
i have been waiting for these photos to post of your trip! looks like you guys had a blast!! 🙂