I realize I haven’t really given much of an update in a while. So here it goes.
As I stated a few posts ago I was sick. I thought I was getting better, but took a turn for the worse last week. I went back to the doctor and he told me I have bronchitis and now I am taking steroids for quite longer then I would like. The good news is, the very first night I slept better then I had in four weeks. My coughing is finally getting to the level where it’s not embarrassing to go outside and be around people. Now, Craig is fighting through something.
Around the house front… I am not where I would like to be by this time, but now that I am getting my energy back I can tackle the list. I still have some painting to do and organizing of the basement, garage, and attic.
Dagny is pretty much over her cold, she is still working on a runny nose. She is enjoying going outside and playing. I am so excited that she has gotten to the age where she wants to do that. She has also started testing her limits and pushing our buttons. A couple of weeks ago was perhaps the worst of these weeks. It seemed every five minutes she would see how far she could go with us. Then last week she was totally fine. I guess that’s how this stuff goes. All and all she is a very good little girl. Even when she is testing her limits, she did listen when we asked her to stop. I am proud of her for that.
Here is our Little Miss D growing up way to fast.
She is really into running up to us so that she can give us big hugs. Gotta admit I love this phase.