Our Neighborhood Rocks!

Why, you ask? Because they have a Children’s Parade. How cool is that? This year was the 79th year and our first. The kids got to march behind their street banner and represent. They had a fire engine and the French Road School band leading the way. The parade ended with ice cream and a comedy juggling act.

Check out the cool kid on the block.

The fire engine leading the way.

Followed by the French Road School Band.

We joined the parade.

Behind our street banner, representing.

It was a long walk and here is Dagny’s reward.

The funny entertainers.

Each child that participated received a box of sidewalk chalk. So, of course when we got home we had to go all Picasso on our driveway.

Ever wondered what a grown man looks like playing hopscotch? Well, wonder no longer. Here you go. I think someone deserves Father of the Year Award.

Dagny giving it a try. It kind of looks like she is doing the Electric Slide.

One more bonus shot of my favorite little girl.

All done.



  1. What fun!

    True neighborhoods are few and far between. It’s heartwarming to read that this tradition has lasted 79 years and there are new neighbors keeping it going.

    And Dagny couldn’t have been any cuter! I can hardly wait for Halloween – must be fun for the kids in your area… houses decorated and kids all dressed up!