Vegetarian Post

I know I promised more meat in my next post, but I just don’t think I can deliver.  At least I promise it will not be a vegan one.

Lets go way back to last weekend.

Saturday my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew came through town.  They were going to Buffalo for a wedding and they dropped Emerson off at our house and stayed a bit before they headed out.  Dagny also had her first “daycare friend” birthday party to go to.  Emerson was nice to tag along with Craig and Dagny, while I stayed home and caught up with my family. After Dagny got back from the birthday party and woke up from her nap, we all went out to dinner to celebrate Emerson’s birthday that was back in July.  Hey, it’s better later then never!

Sunday, my brother and his lovely lady came back through town to pick up their youngest offspring.  We had a nice breakfast and did some more catching up before they headed back down to Long Island.  I can’t wait for our trip to Binghamton for the Annual Biro Bonfire later this month!

Because the weather was so amazing, we decided to dress up our little one and take some photos with the sunflowers.  This also seems to be an annual tradition.

Here is our little bumble bee.

Cute, huh?  I’d like to think so too.

Later in the week Dagny and I went to Jacob’s house for a play date.  Jacob has the greatest backyard with the biggest sandbox and pool in town.  Even though Jacob is few years older then Dagny, they got along lovely.

They decided to play in the smaller one of his two pools.  And, of course I dropped the ball.  I totally forgot to bring Dagny’s bathing suit.  Jacob was kind enough to let Dagny borrow some of his clothes that he has outgrown.

I promise not to wait a week before I write about this weekends adventure.


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