Faking Spring

This weekend it was warm and dry enough to fake a spring day.  It’s been non stop rain and cold, very unfriendly outdoors weather, which by the way doesn’t sit very well with a 3 year-old that would rather be outside all day if possible.  In fact, she asks every morning “Mommy, is it raining today?” That’s just sad.  But, I do think there will be a shift in the weather soon.

Saturday, after Dagny’s dance class, the three of us headed over to Home Depot to pick up a new lawn mower.  We needed a new one for the past couple of seasons, but we have been putting it off.  The duck tape holding it together finally broke at the end last season and with that we could not put off buying a new one any longer.  It’s a slick new red mower and I think Craig might be in love.  He cut the grass for the first time this year, not that you can tell from all the rain we have had this week.

Later in the afternoon we went over to our friends son’s birthday party.  Dagny was so excited about going, she could hardly contain herself.  As I was getting her ready she looked at me and said “I like parties and cake.”  My little party animal.

We are pretty consistent about getting Dagny in bed by her bedtime or very close to it. But Saturday… Not so much.  We all had so much fun with our great friends.

In the mix

Patiently awaiting the cake

You would think going to bed late Dagny would sleep in.  Yeah, that’s not the case.  She was up bright and early on an ungodly hour of 7 am on Sunday.  Dagny and I got ready while Craig slept in until 8:30.  How sad is that, 8:30 in the morning is considered sleeping in.  The joys of parenthood.

Dagny wanted to go outside badly, so I took her out front and let her burn off some energy.  I really wish I could bottle some of it up and sell it on the black market.  We’d make a fortune.

She looks so much older here.

jumping around


Yikes. A look into the teen years?

After dinner we went for a walk in Highland Park.  It’s one of our favorite places to go.

Me and my girl



This past Monday was Dagny’s second week of  gymnastics.  She loves it, from what I can see. Which is not so much, because we can’t be in the gym with them.  I sit in the car and watch to see if I can catch a glimpse of her.  When I do, she has a huge smile.  I am just so happy that she is enjoying it. This summer we are signing her up for soccer.  I hope it goes just as well.  Like gymnastics, she has asked us to do it.

Having fun



  1. Thank you, Maria. I had a wonderful Mother’s Day.
    Yes, Dagny has gotten so big. It’s so funny because of of the teachers at her school said the same thing. 🙂

  2. Happy Belated Mother’s Day Barbara – Hope your day was as special as you 🙂

    Dagny is getting so BIG! I just think about what a difference. The shy little baby girl coming from Russia has turned into a social butterfly…