The best weekend of the year started Friday when I went over to Doodle Bugs for their Mother’s Day celebration. Dagny and I made a picture frame. Actually, I pretty much just sat there and watched her. It was so great to see how she approached the project and how important it was to her to do it just right. I was so impressed with how it turned out. It blows me away how she has changed once again.  It was a great way to start the weekend.
Saturday was a jam-pack day, but it was the best. The morning started with Dagny’s dance class. They are gearing up for the recital next month. It should be really interesting seeing how she does on stage. I keep saying, she is going to be the kid that will be standing still modeling the pretty dress. HA. After dance we went home and changed and decided to go to IMAGINE RIT.
As we were winding down at the festival, Dagny asked us if we could go see Big Bird at that Museum of Play. She has been such a good little girl and it’s been awhile since we have been, so we decided to go.
Dagny wanted to play a game of chess with Craig. I wasn’t even allowed to sit down next to them. :-( But, my mood cheered up later when we decided to have some Dinosaur BBQ. Dagny is learning about dinosaurs at preschool so you can imagine how interesting our dinner conversation was.
Then, on Mother’s Day AKA the Greatest Day of the Year!, my two loves made it the most special day. All I wanted to do was spend the day with them doing nothing particular just hanging out. My two babies took me out for a wonderful dinner. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful daughter that brings so much joy and love into my life. I am so lucky!