Pretty Ballerina

Saturday, was Dagny’s dance recital.  We have been both dreading and looking forward to it at the same time.  She is still so young (the youngest in her class by a year)  and if you think about it, it’s a pretty big thing this little kid had to do.  We weren’t sure how she would react to being on stage in front of so many eyes. She has become very shy this past year. A year ago she was so far from being shy.  I am not sure if it’s a phase or her personality forming.

We were so happy that he had a dress rehearsal earlier in the week to get her familiar with the stage and what Saturday would behold.  She did really good, so we felt very good about the recital.

The recital was a success.  She didn’t run off the stage, start crying, or freeze up.  There were some minor moments in the beginning when she froze, but then she got into it. We are so proud of her for doing so well.

pretty ballerinas

I actually think she enjoyed the final bow the best.  She had a smile on from ear to ear.  I think it might of been my favorite moment, seeing my little girl center stage with a huge smile on.

final bow

Afterward, she didn’t want to take her dress off, so we decided to take some photos of her.

Pretty Dagny

Pretty Dagny

Dagny and Craig

Dagny and Barbara

Dagny and Agi Mama

Three generations

It was such a special day.  I know we will have more of these in the future, but I think the first one sets the bar for the rest.  I don’t think it others will ever be like this one.


Busy Weekend

Friday, my Brother and SIL came up.  We are installing a removable fence around the pool for extra security and my brother came out to help scope out the best way to tackle it.  While the two boys worked that out,  my SIL and Dagny had fun.  My poor SIL couldn’t do much, because Dagny wouldn’t let her.  It was cute tho.

playing tag

Per our usual Saturday, our day started with dance class.  This was Dagny’s last class for the dance year.  The smile on Dagny, as she came out of class with a trophy in tow, was pretty amazing.  She was so excited to go home and show it off to everyone, then she promptly put it on her nightstand.

Dagny's first trophy

Later in the afternoon after my brother and SIL left, we decided to check out the Positively Pittsford Festival. It was small compared to others we have been to, but it was just right for a 3 year-old.  Soon after we got there a clown eyed Dagny and asked her to help with a magic trick.  I think Dagny was so busy concentrating  on being a good assistant that she wasn’t even paying attention to the trick.  It was so cute, tho.

Dagny, Clown Assistant.

Afterward, Dagny had her first taste of funnel cake. Little girl loved it. She was kind enough to share it with us.

Family love over funnel cake

She is truly a natural when it comes to anything sporty.  She not only surprised us with her accuracy, but the kids running the booths.


Fun times

Fun times

Sunday, we had a play date with her friend, Samantha, at Kango Play Center.  This was our first time and Dagny loved it. I am not kidding when I say they didn’t stop moving for the three hours we were there. It made us tried watching them.  We really like that place.  It wasn’t huge so you can watch them pretty much anywhere you sit.  It’s a definite contender for Dagny’s Birthday party.

One of the things that they offer is rollerskating.  We were really excited to have Dagny try it.  Honestly, I thought it wouldn’t go well.  I thought she would get frustrated and give up.  But, to our surprise she really did well, very well.  She seemed to really like it too.

My little skater

happy girl


the girls


First Time For a Carnival

Yesterday, we met up with Dagny’s friend, Samantha, at the Mendon Carnival. We knew she would love the rides, because we have come to terms with the fact that she is an adrenaline junkie.  And, having one of her best friends there would be the cherry on top.  The two girls had such a great time.  Every time Dagny got off a ride, the first thing she said “I want to go on another ride.”

These two are so stinking cute, that when the ride ended they talked the “boys” (who operated the rides) to allow them to stay on and ride it again.  Except, again turned into 3 to 5 more times.

the girls

so cute

around and around

Dagny winning a prize.

wining a prize

JH family


Finally, A Need For Cooling Off

It’s not quite pool time.  The weather has been up and down. And, when it’s down, it’s cold.  But, when we get a good day we jump on it.  We actually had one day that was in the high 80’s.  Hey Now!  It was time to get wet. Dagny had a blast.  All of us can’t wait for the weather to finally kick in and we can get some pool time. Until then we have to make the best of hot days that come along.

Dagny has been asking for a hat like Craig’s.  I found one that looks close to it. She loves to were it and be just like her daddy.

His and Hers
