Category Archives: Family
Catching Up
I am not even sure where to start. I really need to stay on top of this website. By the time I get around to putting an entry together the content is pretty watered down. I am sorry for that. Unfortunately, this post is not going to be much better. One of these days I will get my act together.
This past weekend we decided to take advantage of the last nice days left of summer. We headed to Stony Brook National Park. The last time we went was last year later in the season. This year we went earlier enough to be able to go into the water. Dagny loved it. In fact she said, “I love it here. Thank you for bringing me.” I just love the things that come our of her little mouth.
It seems to be the season for birthday parties. Dagny has been quite the social bug. There seems to be a party to go to every weekend. Needless to say she is having a blast.
If it’s not birthday parties, then its play dates. Dagny and I met up with one of her friends from her class and her mom. Both girls painted a Lion. This was the first time for Dagny and I think she might be hooked. She picked out all the colors and she painted the whole thing by herself. The only thing I admit to painting is the belly. I think the final product is pretty good.
Dagny finished up her summer gymnastic session with another ribbon. Craig and I were both very impressed with how much more confident she has gotten.
Just one more of my not so little girl.
Work It, Mom!
I am still getting use to being a working mom. To my surprise going back to an office environment after my hiatus didn’t feel unnatural. Honestly, it felt like I was going back after a long weekend. So far I am enjoying what I am doing, but I don’t remember ever being so busy at a job, ever!
We bought a scooter!
Here are our four reasons behind the purchase in no particular order.
- My commute is short
- High gas prices
- We care about the environment, a lot!
- And, its SO much fun to ride!
Meet Buddy!
Craig filled, Buddy, up. I never thought I would ever see numbers like that again. Enough said.
Emerson is visiting us for two weeks. It’s been so much fun having him up here. Dagny is having a blast with him, in case you can’t tell.
Here is Emerson with Agi Mama (my mom).
Someone loves her daddy.
We had a family picnic at Dagny’s daycare, Doodlebugs.
And, here a couple of photos of my silly little girl.
A Family That Gets Wet Together, Stays Together
The weekend started off Friday afternoon with a birthday party for one of Dagny’s friends. It took place at Kango Place, which Dagny really enjoys going to. It was so nice because they pretty much had the place to themselves. It was such an great sight to watch them playing and chatting with each other and not parallel to one another.
Saturday, we decided to take Dagny to Niagara Falls, more specifically to the Maid of the Mist. This was the first time on a boat for her and what a way to start out. The only thing she didn’t like about the whole thing was getting wet, hmm. It was such a weird comment coming from the girl that loves the pool. But, I think that was the exact problem. She has come to associating getting wet with a bathing suit and pool (of course not to mention bath time). But, this was such a different experience. Besides the whole getting wet part, she really seemed to like it.
Afterward, we got some ice cream, because lets face it there is no better way to end the day.
Daddy, Daughter Weekend
Friday, Craig and Dagny got into the car and drove down to Ohio to visit with Craig’s parents. I was originally part of the plan, but with with starting a new job I just couldn’t do it. It was a bittersweet moment. It was so hard not being with my two favorite people. I missed them so much, but I was so happy they could have some daddy-daughter time. Plus, I was glad that Dagny got to spend some time with her grandparents. That’s always a plus.
From the photos that Craig took, it looks like they had a great time.
During their visit, they all went to the Wilds. I am still so bummed that I didn’t get to go. It looks like such a great place. Next time!
Grandma and Dagny also baked some brownies together in Dagny’s new baking set.
Walking around the house, which is nestled in the woods.
The first thing I asked Craig when I saw Dagny was if he gave her a dictionary during the ride and if they took turns stretching her. She seemed to changed so much in those few days. My little, big girl.