Saturday we got up way too early to drive down to Binghampton for the Annual Biro Bonfire. I look forward to this weekend as summer comes to an end. I think one reason is due to my emotional connection to the memory of October 2008. The first bonfire was after the call from Russia inviting us to go meet a little almond eye girl. I remember sitting by the fire and all of us talking about the adventure Craig and I were about to take on. Man, we were so excited about going to meet our little girl. This memory sets the emotional tone for me. It’s all about family. And, there is just something about sitting around a huge fire.
We started early so the kids could enjoy it too.
This year my sister-in-laws cousin and his family came too. It was so nice seeing them again. I have known them since I was a kid, so really they are my extended family.
It seems like Dagny has a crush on Christopher. He is such a sweet boy. He was so patient and friendly with Dagny along with his sister, Stephanie. I was reminded this weekend that there are good kids and great parents.
Look at her face. She is so smitten with him.
Here they are enjoying their apples.
Here are the three girls.
Here are some of the cousins.
Dagny experienced her first s’mores this weekend. Yeah, it was a hit.
Here is what you get when you ask a teenager to smile. I’ll take it thou, it’s better then most.
Here are a couple nature shots from the weekend. I can’t remember the last time I saw a brown squirrel. He was a cutie.